February 4, 2011
So currently it is 12:54 pm in "I'm on a boat" time.. making my time difference from home about 4 hours I believe. Sadly, we are losing yet another hour of sleep tonight, so the difference should be 5 hours.  I THINK.. could be 6, I can't keep up.   Anyway, yesterday we didn't have classes because it was SEA OLYMPICS! The day started off really fun with syncronized swimming... which was hilarious (ill post videos when I get to Ghana hopefully) and the weather was perfect. Later in the day I participated in the Spoon Relay and the 3 legged race, both of which I did awesome in, as expected. Unfortunetly though, the Green Mediterranean Sea went down in flames... and I'm pretty sure we placed last, even behind the Life-Long Learners (people age 50+)... I like to think this is due to the issue of us only having like 5 guys on our team while everyother sea had about 40. It was fun regardless, and I'm glad we got a day to relax and enjoy ourselves.  This morning I woke up realllll early 7:30am to study for my first exam of SAS... World Religions, which I believe I did pretty well on. I have another one in about 30 mins so wish me luck.   
Another update: I was an idiot and didn't read the Student Code of Conduct and our room got randomly searched and they found my pepper spray (which i thought was a brilliant thing to have while in port)... anyway, I have a meeting with the dean tom, so I'm hoping not to get any dock time because I have a field trip early in the morning on our first day in Ghana.  so wish me luck I guess.
Again: thanks for all the emails
ANNDD I am sending a shout-out to Stacy's family who found my blog and told her about it. Ha, funny we already knew each other.. But What's Up stacys family!?
Okay, enough for now.  Hope you're all enjoying the midwest blizzard.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hope you didn't get dock time. Have a great time in Ghana.

    Say hi to Stacey.

    Stacey's family.

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