
So, today we registered for classes! Unfortunately for myself and for all of those west coasters, registration started at 8am eastern time... meaning 7am for me (645 wake up!) and 5am for the california people. So, once I got up and got to the SAS website, it took nearly 35 mins for me to get into the course registration page since it was so overloaded with users- and only to find out that two of the classes I really wanted were all full.
In the end, I guess I am happy with my schedule and can't wait to get started. The days are split up evenly into A and B days, so I tried to make them as balanced as possible.

A days: World Religions (10:45-12) and Global Ethics (1:35-2:50)
B days: Global Studies (9:20-1035) and Human Origin (4:15-5:30)

Because I am a science nerd, I think I am going to enjoy Human Origin the most, simply because I get really motion sick and don't plan on needing to read most of the reading while on the boat, so cheers to that. For the other ones though, hopefully I'll get through enough chapters before the dramamine knocks me out.

So for now, I believe its about 71 days until I set sail!
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