INTERNATIONAL PHONE/How to keep in touch with me!

Email: ( only text)
  (photos, texts, links- only able to check when in port/ not on ship!)
Phone: 847-920-8209 (google voice- for texting and leaving voicemail AND what I will call you from)
           keira.mcintyre (skype name)

So, I discovered Google Voice, which created a new phone number for me to use, which will allow people from home to call me and text me! Since my regular AT&T phone number will turned off for the entire length of my journey I will not be able to see texts or listen to my voicemails. So with my new Google Voice number I can do both whenever I am within range of wifi, and call you back from that number.
My number is (847) 920-8209 so please leave me fun long messages and texts for my entertainment, and always pick up when it calls you!

Google Voice Website

On another note, I will be getting free emails to and from my Semester at Sea account, so I can email back and forth all day long on the boat if I so please. It will probably be the best way to keep in contact on a day to day basis.
They don't tell us what our email will be until we are on ship, but they say it will most likely be something like


So, today we registered for classes! Unfortunately for myself and for all of those west coasters, registration started at 8am eastern time... meaning 7am for me (645 wake up!) and 5am for the california people. So, once I got up and got to the SAS website, it took nearly 35 mins for me to get into the course registration page since it was so overloaded with users- and only to find out that two of the classes I really wanted were all full.
In the end, I guess I am happy with my schedule and can't wait to get started. The days are split up evenly into A and B days, so I tried to make them as balanced as possible.

A days: World Religions (10:45-12) and Global Ethics (1:35-2:50)
B days: Global Studies (9:20-1035) and Human Origin (4:15-5:30)

Because I am a science nerd, I think I am going to enjoy Human Origin the most, simply because I get really motion sick and don't plan on needing to read most of the reading while on the boat, so cheers to that. For the other ones though, hopefully I'll get through enough chapters before the dramamine knocks me out.

So for now, I believe its about 71 days until I set sail!


MY SAS Trip- Spring 2011

My journey of SAS is sponsored out of the University of Virginia and my ship will be the MV Explorer.

Dad's Semester at Sea Trip- Spring 1980

I finally figured out exactly which semester at sea trip my dad went on when he was in college. He went on the spring 1980 trip then sponsored by CU-Boulder. His ship was named the SS Universe.
Dad's SAS Itinerary

-Hopefully I will get to experience something as great as he did.