INTERNATIONAL PHONE/How to keep in touch with me!

Email: ( only text)
  (photos, texts, links- only able to check when in port/ not on ship!)
Phone: 847-920-8209 (google voice- for texting and leaving voicemail AND what I will call you from)
           keira.mcintyre (skype name)

So, I discovered Google Voice, which created a new phone number for me to use, which will allow people from home to call me and text me! Since my regular AT&T phone number will turned off for the entire length of my journey I will not be able to see texts or listen to my voicemails. So with my new Google Voice number I can do both whenever I am within range of wifi, and call you back from that number.
My number is (847) 920-8209 so please leave me fun long messages and texts for my entertainment, and always pick up when it calls you!

Google Voice Website

On another note, I will be getting free emails to and from my Semester at Sea account, so I can email back and forth all day long on the boat if I so please. It will probably be the best way to keep in contact on a day to day basis.
They don't tell us what our email will be until we are on ship, but they say it will most likely be something like